Inverted Indexes – Inside How Search Engines Work

An Inverted Index is a structure used by search engines and databases to make search terms to files or documents, trading the speed writing the document to the index for searching the index later on. There are two versions of an inverted index, a record-level index which tells you which documents contain the term and a fully inverted index which tells you both the document a term is contained in and where in the file it is. For example if you built a search engine to search the contents of sentences and it was fed these sentences:

{0} - "Turtles love pizza"
{1} - "I love my turtles"
{2} - "My pizza is good"

Then you would store them in a Inverted Indexes like this:

            Record Level     Fully Inverted
"turtles"   {0, 1}           { (0, 0), (1, 3) }
"love"      {0, 1}           { (0, 1), (1, 1) }
"pizza"     {0, 2}           { (0, 2), (2, 1) }
"i"         {1}              { (1, 0) }
"my"        {1, 2}           { (1, 2), (2, 0) }
"is"        {2}              { (2, 2) }
"good"      {2}              { (2, 3) }

The record level sets represent just the document ids where the words are stored, and the fully inverted sets represent the document in the first number inside the parentheses and the location in the document is stored in the second number.

So now if you wanted to search all three documents for the words “my turtles” you would grab the sets (looking at record level only):

"turtles"   {0, 1}
"my"        {1, 2}

Then you would intersect those sets, coming up with the only matching set being 1. Using the Fully Inverted Index would also let us know that the word “my” appeared at position 2 and the word “turtles” at position 3, assuming the word position is important your search.

There is no standard implementation for an Inverted Index as it’s more of a concept rather than an actual algorithm, this however gives you a lot of options.

For the index you can choose to use things like  Hashtables, BTrees, or any other fast search data structure.

The intersection becomes a more interesting problem. You can try using Bloom Filters if accuracy isn’t 100% needed, you can brute force the problem by doing a full scan of each set for O(M+N) time for joining two sets. You can also try to do something a little more complicated. Rumor has it that search engines like Google and Bing only merge results until they have enough for a search page and them dump the sets they are loading, though I know very little about how they actually solve this problem.

Here is an example of a simple Inverted Index written in C# that uses a Dictionary as the index and the Linq Intersect function:

public class InvertedIndex
    private readonly Dictionary<string, HashSet<int>> _index = new Dictionary<string, HashSet<int>>();
    private readonly Regex _findWords = new Regex(@"[A-Za-z]+");

    public void Add(string text, int docId)
        var words = _findWords.Matches(text);

        for (var i = 0; i < words.Count; i++)
            var word = words[i].Value;

            if (!_index.ContainsKey(word))
                _index[word] = new HashSet<int>();

            if (!_index[word].Contains(docId))

    public List<int> Search(string keywords)
        var words = _findWords.Matches(keywords);
        IEnumerable<int> rtn = null;

        for (var i = 0; i < words.Count; i++)
            var word = words[i].Value;
            if (_index.ContainsKey(word))
                rtn = rtn == null ? _index[word] : rtn.Intersect(_index[word]);
                return new List<int>();

        return rtn != null ? rtn.ToList() : new List<int>();

Truly Awful Algorithms – BogoSort

After covering the semi-awful GnomeSort, I decided to dig into papers on sorting algorithms to see if anyone’s ever published something on a completely awful sort algorithm. This led to BogoSort, first published in 1996 in the New Hacker’s Dictionary and then analysed by Hermann Gruber, Markus Holzer and Oliver Ruepp for some reason at some point later in time.

The basis of bogosort is to randomly swap elements in your array until they become sorted, which required one pass to randomly swap elements and another to verify it was sorted. This give a worst case O time of O(N * N!), though in theory it could run forever. However odds are even with a large number of elements it will eventually finish, after all even if it’s unlikely given enough time you’ll see an end. Even a big bang happens every once and awhile due to randomness.

Here’s a sample of BogoSort written in C#:

    public static class SortAlgorithms
        public static int[] BogoSort(this int[] a)
            if (a.Length < 2)
                return a;

            var rand = new Random();
            var sorted = false;

            while (!sorted)
                for (var i = 0; i < a.Length; i++)
                    var j = rand.Next(0, a.Length);
                    var tmp = a[i];
                    a[i] = a[j];
                    a[j] = tmp;

                sorted = true;
                for (var i = 1; i < a.Length; i++)
                    if (a[i] < a[i - 1])
                        sorted = false;

            return a;

What’s fun about this algorithm is it’s impossible to tell how long it will truly take to run. For fun I decided to chart out the average number of passes it takes for this algorithm to sort arrays of integers from 3 to 10 elements over 1000 passes each (any larger than 11 and it takes a long time to measure performance):


The Bloom Filter – Probably Answering The Question “Do I Exist?”

Originally conceived of in 1970 by Burton Howard Bloom, the Bloom Filter is a probabilistic data structure that can determine if something is likely to be a part of a set. The upside of a Bloom filter is you can find out quickly if something definitely doesn’t exist, and within a certain margin of error if something does. In other words you will have false positives, but never false negatives.

So how does it work? Well to start Bloom Filter has three elements to it:

M – The number of bits it uses to track the existence of items.
N – The number of items that will likely be entered into the Bloom Filter
K – The number of hash functions the Bloom Filter will utilize.

To use these three elements all we have to do is hash all N elements with all K hash functions and turn them into indexes in the bit array of size M and mark all those bits to 1.

For example if I had three words I wanted to track in my filter {“test”, “cow”, “pizza”} this would make my problem set size N. I could track these in a 10 bit array (M=10) and track them using the three hashes (K=3) { MD5, SHA512, and RIPEMD160 }.

Our array starts off looking like this:

 0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9

For each has function we’ll hash the word, convert it to a 64 bit integer, mod it by M (10), take the absolute value of the result and mark the array at that index with a 1. Here are the indexes for the above words and hashes:

      MD5   SHA512  RIPEMD160
test   7       8        8
cow    9       7        6
pizza  4       2        4

By marking our array using those indexes we end up with our bloom filter looking like this:

 0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9

Now if we check to see if the words “pizza”, “trout”, and “blue” exist all we need to do is use all three hashes we used before and make sure that all the indexes they point two are marked one. Here’s what the hashes produce:

      MD5   SHA512  RIPEMD160
pizza  4       2        4
trout  0       3        3
blue   8       8        4

And as you can see by matching those indexes to our array the words “pizza” and “blue” exist, while the word “trout” doesn’t. The Bloom Filter works!

But wait, we never added “blue” to the array, so why did it come back as being correct? It’s because we’ve made the mistake of making the values of M and K too small, so our false positive rate is too large. How do we determine the false positive rate? Without getting into the math (if you want it look here), the equation for determining error is:


Running our numbers of M=10, K=3, and N=3 into this equation we find out out false positive rate is going to be 32.65%! To fix this all we need to do is either increase M or K (in this case M since our array is already getting pretty saturated). So if we increase M to say 100 we’ll drop our error rate to 0.1% for 3 items.

So how does this work in practice? Let’s say we want a fast spell checker where our only concern is if a word is spelled correctly or not, and we’re not concerned with finding possible suggestions (this is useful in things like browsers which will mark misspelled words without showing possible matches unless the user takes action, at which point you can fall back to a BK-Tree). If you based this spell check off of the enable1 dictionary your problem set is 172,820 words. We can spell check that list with 1 MB (8,388,608 bits) of memory with an error rate of 0.02% using only three hash functions. This nets an extremely fast (based on hash function speed) and memory efficient way to perform a simple spell check with an acceptable margin of error.

So where might you find this being used in the wild? As it turns out this structure is used all over the place, for instance in Big Table, Cassandra, and Chrome.

Below is a working example of a simple Bloom Filter in .NET 4.5.

    The MIT License (MIT)
    Copyright (c) 2013

    Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),
    to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,
    and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

    The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.

using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.Security.Cryptography;

public class BloomFilter
        public int M { get; private set; }

        public int N { get; private set; }

        public int K { get { return _hashAlgorithms.Count; } }

        private readonly BitArray _filter;

        private readonly List<HashAlgorithm> _hashAlgorithms;

        public BloomFilter(int size)
            _filter = new BitArray(size);
            M = size;

            _hashAlgorithms = new List<HashAlgorithm> { MD5.Create(), SHA512.Create(), RIPEMD160.Create() };

        public void Add(string word)
            foreach (var index in _GetIndexes(word))
                _filter[index] = true;

        public bool Contains(string word)
            var matchCount = 0;
            foreach (var index in _GetIndexes(word))
                if (_filter[index])

            return matchCount == K;

        private IEnumerable<int> _GetIndexes(string word)
            var hashIndexes = new List<int>();

            foreach (var hashAlgorithm in _hashAlgorithms)
                var bytes = hashAlgorithm.ComputeHash(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(word));
                hashIndexes.Add(Math.Abs((int)BitConverter.ToInt64(bytes, 0) % M));

            return hashIndexes;

        public decimal FalsePositiveRate()
            return Convert.ToDecimal(Math.Pow(1.0 - (Math.Exp(-K * (N + 0.5) / (M - 1))), K));